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What Others Are Saying About Gist Parenting 

Read how GIST Parenting has impacted others and their thinking about how to parent.

"As a parent of two grown boys, a former educator, and a person that is genuinely interested and concerned about the future and well being of our young ones, I highly recommend this book. It is a thought provoking read for anyone that may one day have children, for those that do have children, for those whose children are grown, for child-care providers, for educators, for pastors, for grandparents, for anyone, like me, that cares about the well being and future of our youth.

This book contains insightful nuggets of wisdom and truth that are deserving of your contemplation. I devoured it the first time through and continue to use it as a valuable resource. The book provides hope and encouragement to those of us that have desperately conformed to cultural parenting behaviors that are not only inconsistent with our personal values but that create havoc in our home lives."





"I've been a parent for 27 years. After reading Mike & Tim's book, I had several "WOW...I wish I had known THAT" moments. "GIST" is filled with wisdom, carefully presented and practical enough to help right away!  I'm grateful for Mike and Tim and their contribution."

Janice McWilliams, LCPC

It has been many years since I have read a book that I recommend as strongly as Gist. I consider it a must-read for today’s parents. Anderson and Johanson, a psychologist and a pediatrician, have written a grounded and remarkable book that will challenge parents to the core.  READ MORE

"In my opinion, this is a unique book in that it not only discusses parenting in the abstract but gives specific direction and application to parents that is immediately useful. Many books contain a lot of psychological "fairy dust" that leaves one intrigued but puzzled about what possible application it may have to the issues at hand. This book stands in stark contrast to that approach and deficiency.

The extensive background of the authors is evident in their explanations of the situations between parents and children. They give excellent background information as they evaluate the source of problems and recommend actions to be taken to try to improve the situation. It is written in understandable style with excellent anecdotal illustrations. It is clear that their experience is extensive and I heartily recommend this book."

"Tim Johanson and Michael Anderson combine years of professional experience and observations, not only with patients, but within their own families as well, to bring some practical advice to parents today. The book caused me to reflect on how I was raised, and how I brought some of those experiences, some good, some less than ideal into my own home. Had I realized the value of natural consequences as excellent teachers and coming alongside my children as they learned from those experiences would have been a more gracious way to walk through key developmental years. Honestly, I found myself apologizing to my kids, post teens, several times as I read GIST realizing many things that drove my approach to parenting had to do with fear. The gist is that I wish I could have had this book as a resource over 20 years ago when my children were small! Fortunately, it’s not too late to change how I guide them now."

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